Think local. Act global. Learn more about the Peace Corps

16 November 2010


So this Wednesday is a major Muslim holiday here in Senegal, called Tabaski. This is one holiday I can understand and have no issues celebrating because it celebrates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac when God asked him to, and then God provided a ram in Isaac’s place. To celebrate, each family buys a sheep (more than one if they have multiple families or have the money to do so) which they slaughter the morning of Tabaski and then eat later on in the day. Because of this, there are a ton of sheep everywhere! Dahra already had a lot of sheep, but due to Tabaski, the number has increased dramatically.

Well, on our (one of the volunteers in Linguere, a neighboring city, went to the language seminar with me) way to St. Louis, we took a bus. This bus had, I kid you not, at least 30 sheep inside the bus on the floor under the seats. Then there were about 25-30 people inside the bus. Also,there were probably close to another 20 sheep on top of the bus. We had to ride 6 hours to St. Louis with our feet up or risk being jabbed by a horn (a good Tabaski sheep is white and has massive horns). Needless to say, it was a rather interesting experience. Below is a picture, but it doesn’t do the experience justice.

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